INSIGHT: What Brought Me Here?

Foresight Prep Diary 1*
I’m two days behind. It wasn’t obvious at first, but since arriving here on Friday, it’s become clear. Despite valiant attempts to get ahead, I could use a solid, 48hr period to get caught up on work. What I’ve also realized in my current bucolic, academic setting, is that I’ve been behind for awhile. I’m not sure I would have it any other way. Sustainability-focused innovation offers an endless array of challenge and opportunity. There is always something new to learn. Sometimes we choose pursuits because we know we can do them, other times because we don’t. I’ve learned more about myself from the latter than the former, and find myself seeking out those experiences. I used to think I put myself in situations to make money or create change, but as I’ve reflected on my own career, as well as those of others, I realize that many times there can be a deeper drive, which is to better understand who we are, and of what we are capable. Without the contrast of challenges, of being two days behind, it can be difficult to ever really know.

*Last Monday, I started teaching sixteen teenagers from around the country and, in few cases, world, about the many facets of sustainable business at our Foresight Prep @ Oberlin College program. The Forecasts during the next few weeks will be inspired by this experience.